How about: "Those who teach, CAN'T - - BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TIME TO.....!!!"

For the last two months I, happily, have spend ALOT of my time (typically dedicated to sewing) on programming for DC Threads. Allison's generosity with the Bits of Thread Sewing Studio space has allowed the sewing events supported by DC Threads to blossom! In two short months we have changed the time and format (slightly) of our monthly FREE sewing lounge, we've added evening "Sip and Stitch" events, and started "Stitching for Change - Little Dresses for Haiti" (this event is the one about which I am most excited)!
All great news for DC Threads (and we hope for all those sewing enthusiasts in DC) but not so great for my personal sewing addiction! I fear that I may be starting to go through withdrawal! So this weekend I am doing what I have done for my hangovers in the past - a little hair 'o the dog! Will head to my sewing studio in a few minutes and get back on that bad horse!! I have some DELICIOUS linen that I picked up at Gray Line Linen in NYC during my trip last month (and, yes Meg, I still owe you a review of Gray Line!!!!) and I WILL have two FABULOUS garments constructed in time for Spring! YES I WILL!!
I thought you might like to see what the DC Fashionista had to say about her time with us during our inaugural "Stitching for Change" event! Thanks Abigail - can't wait to sew with you again, soon!!
And - some photos of those beautiful little dresses for those, oh so, beautiful little girls constructed by the most beautiful of friends!!

what a great and inspiring post! I actually thought sewing for a cause is not needed any more, with all the cash flowing to countries and people in need. But then, I forget, that most of this money is not intended for everyday needs of these people...
Nice dress, do you have a pattern for this?
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