October 18, 2010

Bits of Sewing Here and There

This Fall has been REALLY busy - lots of activity at my day job but not so much in the sewing studio! I'm happy to report that I am co-authoring a book chapter for work (very exciting) but not so happy to report that the task has been way more stressful and time consuming than I had planned! That said, the deadline for the editor is November 1st so I am already planning my celebratory trip to NYC! In the meantime, I wanted to share with you a dress that I made in September. I crafted it from a cut of hearty Italian cotton that I have had in my stash for years! The motif is HUGE and the repeat is even longer so I perseverated over the design for years. And as you can see I just went for plain SIMPLE! How about those strategically placed bodice motifs! Can you tell that I was getting a little bored??? Oh well, a girl needs SOMETHING to fill out the upper half of her garment - why not use an optical illusion!!!!! Not sure how much I will wear it but I finally cut the fabric!! Hope to get back to the sewing machine soon!




  1. What a great print! Love the colors, too! Best to stay simple with a large print, I think you did a great job on this! Congrats on the upcoming NYC trip (oh, and the book, too!);)

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    You've done a great job with the print. It wouldn't have been easy deciding how to lay out your pieces. It looks really good.

  3. Large prints are so tricky (not to mention a pain)--you used this one to great advantage!

  4. Thanks for the post. What a great dress. Hope you enjoyed your trip to NYC.

  5. Hi Laura. I discovered your blog on the 50 Best list over at guidetoartschools though I have been hearing about you for some time. As a member of the Northern Virginia ASG group I've heard about DC Threads and have been wishing I could make it one month. Maybe once I get my kids grown ;-) Good luck to you and thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Hi Laura. Happy Thanksgiving again to you. This dress is so pretty! :-) and it will be even prettier on you! I can't wait to see you model it for us. Many blessings to you and thanks for your friendship, too.

  7. This dress appears to have almost an African style to it. It should be pretty eye-catching. Thank you for posting pictures.
