April 3, 2010

Finally - Another Female in the House!

For 18 years it had been me and the two Y chromosomes! Then KPG headed to UVM and Lauren moved in for 6 months - pure bliss to have another female in the house who "got" all the hair-brained "stuff" that I love! Alas, Lauren moved out (welcome to the adult world of life) and enter Bogey - outnumbered AGAIN! But today - my new BFF arrived!! Welcome "Roxy" - my new collapsible arm professional dress form - from Roxy Displays in NYC (actually East Brunswick NJ, but close enough!). I think she just might be the perfect roommate!

Ah bueno!


  1. I have a full body with legs dress form from Roxy. I love it!!! Use it in good health!

  2. Laura!!!
    I own Roxy's sister Matilda. You will love her. She is loyal,true and has a peaches and cream complexion.
    Now- how is that lovely black and white dress coming along??????

  3. Oh wow, I didn't know you get arms too! Thanks!
