April 25, 2010

Can One Live on Buldoc and Muslin Alone???

Okay, stop whatever it is that you are doing and IMMEDIATELY register for Susan Khalje's Draping Class with Julien Cristofoli. As always, Susan has a true gift for getting these sorts of opportunities just right for the audience, content, time and space. As someone who has a finite amount of time and resources it is very reassuring to know that her classes will be worth every moment and penny. Twelve sewists from all corners of the US gathered in Baltimore and spent four days learning the art of moulage. About half of the group owned, or were planning to start, their own design/sewing enterprise and the other half were there to better their skills for personal sewing (I am in the latter basket). Julien is an UBER skilled teacher and incredible designer - he pushed every design limit I had last week - what a pleasure! Enjoy the photos of our time together...



  1. LUCKY!!!! I am GREEN with envy......

  2. Yup. Bad case of sewing envy. Thanks for sharing the pix!

  3. It is so much fun to learn like this - from a professional and actually doing the process. You all must have had a blast!

  4. You know this means we will be expecting lots of draping activity from you, missy!
