April 1, 2009

Yep - Midcentury Mark! UPDATED


Okay - who'd a-thought I'd make it to 50???

Amazing celebration!!!
And ya have to listen to the music - you all make me feel FAB-U-LOUS!!!


  1. You're not getting older, you're getting better. Happy 50th!

  2. Laura, Happy Belated Birthday. Was it actually on Sunday! :-) Thanks for sharing the pics.

  3. Happy /Birthday. Go to my March 9 post to read a poem that is a tribute to turning 590. I posted it when Mary at Sewfast celebrated hers. I first wrote it for my very good friend when she and I had the big half century bday

  4. 2 questions: how bad were the dirt poems and b: what up wit da clown feet?

  5. Shockingly there were no dirt poems - none of you guys were there! And the clown feet have a whole story of their own that I will post when my week of chaos is over and I can RELAX! All in all a GREAT celebration and a GREAT 50 years!!!!

    Here's to 50 more years of belly laughing!!!!
