February 5, 2009

Eden Couture – Me of Little Faith!

Here's a shout out to Mariangela and her team at Eden Couture.

Mariangela, a friend of my friend Linda – one of my G-burg pals, used to live in DC where she was a stylist at the Four Seasons. She was transplanted to NYC/No. NJ and started Eden Couture. I’ll let you take a look at her website – Eden Couture – to better explain her approach to fashion, design and marketing (although having just re-looked at the site I will say that the garments that she brought to DC were much more stylish than some of the ones she has on the website - hopefully she'll include some of the cute samples she brought with her to DC in her on-line collection). A Palisades couple hosted one of her design events, so (for Linda) I went - plus I needed a new white blouse anyway (I really am not a big fan of sewing blouses - Grrr). Mariangela arrived and carried in about 40 samples (in sizes from 4 to 12). The scoop – you try on a garment, you like it, she takes a ton of measurements, and her team makes you a custom garment fit to your measurements - all reasonably priced - VOILE! Too good to be true? Honestly, I admit to having that thought! So with blind faith (and knowing that Linda wouldn't steer me wrong!) I chose two garments, was measured, wrote a check and waited!

And then they arrived - a well fitting white dress blouse with great ruching details on the cuffs and collar and a linen tunic to die for!!!

This ruching is a design element that I will definitely use on blouses I construct or refashion.

By the way, my friend Gina purchased a jacket and a white tunic and is equally pleased with her garments!!!

Thanks Mariangela and good luck Eden Couture!

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