April 20, 2008

Itty Bitty Booties with my good friend Charlotte!

Charlotte and I met today and finished her mom's Mother's Day present – finally (we started it before LAST Mother's Day)!! I can't include a photo of that little item just yet - we don't want to ruin the surprise!

After we finished "the gift" we decided to make some Bitty Booties that I found on "Hello My Name is Heather" (via "Wee Wonderfuls"). One of the great benefits of having Charlotte come over for sewing instruction is that I get to experiment with all sorts of wonderful projects!

Back to the booties - - - click on the photo above for a free download of the adorable pattern.

Charlotte set to work designing her booties - searching through my stash boxes for bits of ribbon, buttons, beads, bells, etc! Only those of us with LOTS of stash boxes can understand the joy of having someone go through all those boxes and USE THE STUFF!!!

Here are a couple of photos of Charlotte's booties! Sooooo CUTE!!! We vowed to make many more pairs!!

And here's my contribution to the "bootie call"!!!! :)

Thanks CHARLOTTE!!!!! Oh yea, and Heather and Wee Wonderfuls!!!


  1. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Good work! Thanks for sending me your link :) And I love the name Charlotte (my 3yr-old's name!).

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Adorable! I have had that pattern stashed away for a while now...thanks for inspiring me to get it out and play! :)
